October 09, 2009
A landscape under threat
Most of the dark green fields in this photograph have been earmarked as potentially useful for gravel extraction.
If Oxfordshire County Council accept the nomination of the site by Lafarge Aggregates and a subsequent planing application were to be passed, it will have a big effect on the community of Sonning Eye, already changed by over 60 years of gravel extraction to the west.
It would take at least 20 years to remove the aggregate. The holes would be filled with inert landfill material, to be delivered by lorries entering the site via the Sonning Eye mini-roundabout. Around 140 lorries a day would access the site.
A number of designated Ancient Monuments on the site are clearly visible as cropmarks and it is also evident how close the site is to the Thames path.
Find out more by following the links to the right.
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